
Crisis Management In The Media


The Drill’s crisis management consultants make news headlines: Part of our crisis planning ethos is to try to help businesses shape the developing narrative via judicious media and stakeholder engagement, to take crisis-hit companies from unsafe ground to safer terrain.

Also, when crises break, media journalists/producers often ask Drill experts - all crisis management specialists - to offer insights and observations to boost understanding of the crisis communication issues at play. Our experts have vital international and hands-on crisis management consultancy expertise, which is transferred into our crisis management planning tools and crisis software.

Drawing on years of frontline crisis management consultancy, Drill staff enact crisis fixes and crisis solutions to help businesses overcome their PR and operational problems. Your crisis response plans can be improved just by reading some of the articles below, featuring our proprietary approaches and methodologies for crisis management puzzles. The articles do not constitute specific advice or counsel, but we believe their principles to be, without guarantee, thought-provoking! So when you’re ready for better crisis management planning or preparation, call us.

We hope you enjoy the read.

Crisis management training starts with technology, not paper and felt pens

You can’t effectively simulate modern reputation crises by using coloured pens and butchers’ paper. Crisis management drills or crisis simulations that don’t use the latest SaaS and online softwares are, effectively, like amateur dramatic role plays and, alas, not much more.

Crisis management training and crisis training courses have finally met the digital and interactive age and our simulation software - an Aussie SaaS crisis solution - helps spell the end for tabletop and flip-board crisis rehearsals. Remember, modern crises don’t generally happen on boardroom tables but they do happen online; that’s why The Drill crisis simulator (which replicates today’s multi-channel trans-media environment) is so effective in helping organisations run their crisis management drills and emergency response plans.

Our live, online technology realistically dramatises the way organisations prepare for crises. Our clients access methodology that delivers crisis communications management outcomes via realistic and interactive publishing. And clients don’t need any special facilities or venues to access our innovative too - they just need a commitment to best-practice crisis simulation exercises and a realistic budget to train their teams.

Creator of The Drill crisis simulation portal ( Gerry McCusker, has tested and proven that his new digital technology can immerse clients into a wholly realistic PR disaster, - safely within a secure online portal - so enhancing crisis planning and the whole crisis workshop experience.

Clients login and - for the subsequent 4-8 hours - all their communications (email, online, phones, news feeds, social media silos and content creation) are contained and escalate within the fully realistic, media-rich environment. The Drill simulates a myriad of multi-channel pressures - from email and media phone calls to online news plus radio and TV reports - plus increasingly influential social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram that still ambush companies looking to avert or manage crises. 

Because digital technologies have revolutionised how interests attack brands and businesses online, The Drill portal revolutionises how companies can hone, rehearse and refine their media and social media crisis management capabilities and processes. Using custom-written scripts and 100% authentic media assets (including online news, radio and TV clips) your crisis simulation training exercises feel like the real thing.

And as a strategic crisis software solution, The Drill’s classroom environment helps clients probe the right questions and formulate strategic - and online-smart - crisis responses. Crisis training is, after all, about testing the decision-making rigour of your company or organisation.

As crisis management experts ourselves, we have developed a crisis training tool that’s unique in that it first guides client companies through an issues management methodology, while allowing them to formulate a proper crisis management strategy before encountering fully realistic modern media pressures and tests.

Since pre-launch at The International Emergency Management Society conference in San Diego in September 2016, our Drill crisis command centre has been deployed by clients and peak bodies from Sydney to Singapore and even Sharjah in the Middle East! Our crisis simulation examples and testimonials come from clients in the Agri, Education, Finance, Food, Government, Healthcare, Infrastructure plus Oil & Gas sectors.

We believe The Drill offers our clients the worst day of their professional life. We’re able to deploy our crisis simulation training system to deliver an unique testing and learning experience that’s virtually a crisis training certification experience unlike any other. When your company needs crisis training experts and crisis management support, contact our Australian crisis management consultants for insight and expertise.

Gerard McCusker